Vinyl Plank Flooring Sydney

Benefits of Vinyl Plank Flooring in Sydney Homes

Many of us like the look of woodgrain, or perhaps stone, for our flooring. The obvious way to achieve this is by using real timber flooring or genuine stone. But this is not always practical, and we all realise that genuine products are expensive to install, even though they last for decades and are cost-effective in the long term. So sometimes we go for a different type of flooring material.

Vinyl plank flooring looks like genuine timber but costs a fraction of the price. Yet in some situations, this can be an advantage.

Vinyl flooring is quite waterproof. So it can work well in a kitchen, where genuine timber is not really appropriate.

Vinyl flooring is soft to walk on and produces very little noise. It is also quite warm compared to timber or tiles.

Vinyl flooring might be a good option for a child’s room. We might not want to install expensive timber in a child’s room where it will probably suffer a certain amount of abuse. Being softer, it will be safer if a child falls, and produces little noise when children run around.

While vinyl flooring can sometimes be damaged, it is also easy to replace. It is cheaper to replace than to repair.

Vinyl flooring is quite easy to sweep, vacuum, or mop clean.

Vinyl is inexpensive, and it will last for decades if treated well.

If there is a downside to vinyl, it is that there will be some chemical residue in the air for a week or two after installation. But this same chemical residue occurs with new carpet and the polyurethane finish on timber. It even occurs to a lesser extent with paint. The chemicals soon evaporate.

We have installed vinyl plank flooring Sydney-wide. It is a good option for kitchens, or renovating a spare room. It can match the timber flooring in the rest of the home while being cheaper and waterproof.

Vinyl Plank Flooring Sydney

Vinyl plank floors look like timber, but a cheap to install and provide a waterproof surface. Fine for kitchens and other rooms.


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Posted in Blog, Flooring, Timber Flooring.