Vinyl Floor – For and Against

Vinyl flooring is a fairly economical choice for flooring, yet it lasts fairly well. And if it is properly installed and looked after with some basic precautions it will prove a good flooring choice for many situations, free from issues with expansion and humidity.

Stains and Sun Damage

Any type of flooring can be stained. Other floors like timber can be protected with polyurethane coating. Carpets can be scotchguarded. Vinyl can be protected with the right finish, reducing the problems with stains.

Spills on the floor can cause staining, but this is rare if the spill is promptly cleaned away.

Rubber and nylon, from shoes or rubber on furniture and rugs, can discolour vinyl. Avoid these products.

Ultraviolet light (UV) from sunlight can also discolour vinyl (and most other floor materials). This potential problem is easy to remove if the windows are fitted with UV film.


Vinyl will scratch under some conditions. Avoid this by using plastic or cork coasters under furniture. And sweep floors on a regular basis to remove the grit that causes scratches.


Vinyl will be free from cracking if it is installed properly. Cracks only occur if the subfloor is unstable of if the vinyl is stretched. Ensure proper installation of the floor. This included proper adhesion to the subfloor.


  • No humidity problems
  • No shifting of vinyl if initial installation is done properly
  • Easy to replace a damaged section of loose lay vinyl
  • Fairly inexpensive
  • Vinyl planks can be used creatively
  • easy to sweep clean or vacuum

Vinyl plank in Sydney

Vinyl planks are a more modern form of vinyl flooring. Thy have several advantages over solid sheets of vinyl, including the versatility of having the planks laid at different angles, and the ability to mix different colour planks on the same floor. Best of all, a damaged vinyl plank is easy to replace without altering the rest of the floor.

You can be creative with vinyl plank flooring.


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The content of this article is meant for informational purposes only and should not be considered a source of professional advice, recommendations, or endorsements. It is not a substitute for seeking expert guidance or making well-informed decisions based on individual circumstances. Although we strive for accuracy and reliability, we cannot guarantee the information's completeness or suitability for all situations. Readers are urged to verify facts, consult experts, and consider their own context before taking actions or decisions based on this content. No warranties, explicit or implied, are provided regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the presented information. Relying on this information is at the reader's own discretion and risk. We encourage readers to consult relevant professionals or experts for advice tailored to their specific needs. Neither the author, publisher, nor any affiliated parties will be held responsible for errors, omissions, or damages resulting from the use or reliance on the information in this article.

Posted in Timber Flooring.